Saturday, January 19, 2008
I love Daddy!
Posted by
Collette and Kevin
5:26 PM
Well, the temperatures have definitely dropped here in Louisville...I think this is the coldest it's been all winter and we don't like it one bit. But it is pretty fun to bundle Alexa up because she just looks so darn cute. The first time we put her big parka on, she could barely was pretty funny, but she's gotten used to it now. Here's hoping Spring is right around the corner!!!
Posted by
Collette and Kevin
5:12 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
It's been a looooong week....
I know, I's been a few weeks since my last post. I promise to have a few more pics up in the next couple days. But for now, I just wanted to vent, I guess. I think there's nothing more sad than having a sick child. And there's nothing more draining than being a sick mom, taking care of a sick child. That's what we've been up to for the past week and a bit. It started out as a cough for Alexa which quickly turned into a full blown ear infection and a very nasty cold. And being the sweet thing she is, she shared with her mama! Thankfully though, Alexa is back to her happy self. She still has a bit of a cough but she's smiley and content once again. Me??? Well, I'm getting there. But through it all, I do have things I'm thankful for or maybe just things I'm Alexa really understanding me. Whenever I say, "let's go upstairs" or "let's change your bum" or "you ready for a nap"...she'll walk to the bottom of the stairs and wait at the gate until I'm ready to go with her. And likewise, when we're upstairs and I say, "let's go downstairs" or "let's go to your room", she goes to the door of my room and waits. It's so darn cute that I just had to share it. And now she jokes with me too. It makes me laugh every time...even when she's kicking her legs, making it hard to change her bum - because I just look at her and she starts giggling and then will do it again. Such a little personality is emerging and I love it. Well, that's enough sharing...I have dinner to get on and more laundry to fold before we head out for the evening. Caio!
Posted by
Collette and Kevin
2:57 PM