So, I've had some requests for a picture of me pregnant and since I feel much better about myself this time around, I have no problem posting a picture. Here I am, in all my glory, at 4 months pregnant. This pregnancy has definitely been different than my pregnancy with Alexa. The nausea has been WAY more random and has lasted longer. By 14 1/2 weeks with Alexa, I was feeling great. However, I'm STILL running into episodes of nausea and I'm so ready to be done with it. Finding something to eat that sounds good to me has been harder this time, although I'm hungrier which makes it even more difficult to find a little something to snack on when NOTHING sounds good to me. But if I don't eat, I pay for it so I have to force myself to eat even if it doesn't sound good to me at that moment. And ice cream hasn't had any appeal to me this time around...what, this is madness??!!! I LOVE ice cream but apparently the baby doesn't care for it too much!! Give me candy though!! I tell ya, Halloween was fabulous this year! :-) I don't know if any of these differences mean that this one could be a boy, I'm really not holding my breath on that one, but it is kinda fun to note that there definitely HAVE been differences. And we'll just have to wait a few more weeks to find out for sure what this little peanut is. Anyways, I'll try and keep my family updated on how this pregnancy is going with pics from time to time.
3 years ago