Okay, so I know this has happened to probably just about all moms out there, (and if it hasn't, I'm sure it will) but it still doesn't make me feel any better. Here's the story....after putting Alexa to bed last nigth at her normal time of 7:00 - we noticed she was pretty restless and would periodically cough. We didn't think anything of it as she had a nasty cold not too long ago and I figured she was just still trying to get over it. I also was hoping that she wasn't coming down AGAIN with something because I wasn't sure I could handle it again so soon. Well, at one point when she was having one of her coughing attacks, it sounded like she was gagging...again, while she was sick - that was normal so we didn't think much of it. So Kevin and I continued to watch our movie and just hoped Alexa would settle into a good night's sleep. As a side note - later that night as we were going to bed...I noticed a nacho cheese smell as I headed up the stairs but figured it was our downstairs neighbors cooking something. So this morning when Alexa woke up a little after 8:00, I walked out into the hallway from our bedroom and my nose was assaulted with a pretty nasty smell. At this point, I'm STILL not cluing in thinking it could again be our neighbors or the garbage or.... Anyways, then I open the door to Alexa's room and BAM, it stinks SOOOO bad! There's my little girl standing at the end of her crib waiting for me to get her out and as soon as I turn the light on, I notice that she'd puked EVERYWHERE. Not just a little...A LOT! She was covered head to toe, her sheet was plastered with and she was still holding her loveys that were soaked with it. I just about fell apart, knowing immediately that she'd thrown up last night when we heard her gagging and I'd let her sleep in it all night long. I felt and still feel horrible. To top it all off, the last thing she ate last night for dinner were some blueberries. So not only did she puke everywhere...but it was blueberry puke! How delightful! Needless to say, I immediately put her in the tub and set to cleaning everything up. I think I've accomplished that but there's still a lingering pukey smell in her room that won't go away no matter how much Febreeze I spray. I'm surprised we made it to church after the morning we had and despite it all, I'm so grateful for Alexa even if I'm the one who gets to clean up her puke. Oh and no need to thank me for not attaching the picture of the puke...yes, I took a picture...I HAD to - Kevin had already left for church and he needed to experience at least to a tiny degree - some of what I went through this morning!!
3 years ago