We've had a pretty heart-racing evening here in Louisville....we've had a taste of our first tornado. Kevin had just left to go on splits with the missionaries when I heard the tornado siren start, so I immediately called Kevin and he was already on his way home, having heard the sirens as well. We stayed glued to the news, watching the storm draw closer as the Tornado Warning continued. I had been about to put Alexa down for the night but they were saying on the news that a tornado could touch down any minute and since her room is on the top floor of our building, I decided to keep her with us. Not long after, the calm dark skies outside were broken by some loud SNAPS and CRACKS followed by wind like we've never seen....so we very quickly ducked into our storage closet. We waited there for a few minutes but the storm passed quickly and we ventured out of the closet to once again watch the news. It wasn't long until they started announcing reports of a funnel cloud touching down in the Frankfort Avenue/Crescent Hill neighborhood...OUR neighborhood! YIKES! It's now been about an hour and a bit since that happened and more reports are coming in of huge trees falling over, damage done to buildings, shopping carts flung into the glass windows of the Kroger strip mall right around the corner from us! This storm was definitely right on top of us and we know that although it wasn't super serious....we were still blessed and watched out for. We're so very grateful for that and to know we're still safe tonight. However....there's another string of storms with the same severity heading our way so we'll keep you posted!
3 years ago
Det...that is so scary! I am glad that you kept Alexa with you! Smart, protective mommy move! I am sure Kevin had something to do with it as well! Keep us posted...which radio station can I look up to get the Louiseville news? I am totally going to start watching the storms that are coming your way!
I have had many a scare with tornadoes living in indianna. They are not fun! I am so glad you guys are o.k.!
COLLETTE!!!!!! That is the scariest thing ever. I can't believe that it was so close to you. When we lived in Indy there was a ton of tornado warnings but nothing ever touched down thankfully. I am so glad that you are all okay!
ok why did you not tell me about this. That is pretty scary!!! We luv you tons!!!
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