We attempted to grow some vegetables this year - some tomatoes and red bell peppers. However, the squirrels that live in the pine tree just off our balcony had other ideas. We would come out most mornings to little bites out of our tomatoes or peppers. We tried putting netting up but those determined squirrels still made it in and we even used some squirrel repellent but that didn't deter them at all either. So finally we put our depleted plants on our front porch to see if we could salvage anything from them in the dwindling growing weeks. As you can see, we grew the world's largest tomato!!!! :-) But we did get a nice little red bell pepper that was quite delicious. Next year, we'll just start off putting our plants on the front porch to keep them away from the squirrels!
3 years ago
I am plotting against the squirrels in our yard! They or the rabbits always eat our plants!
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