The image of Alexa at 13 just flashed before me!!! Oh wait, that's her at 14 months! Oh my, what do we have in store??? This is seriously one of her favorite things to do, she wanders around the house with the phone attached to her ear, saying "haaaaaiii" (use your best southern belle voice!). It makes me smile though because it's one more thing that proves she definitely is MY daughter, not that there was any question....but growing up my mom would find it humorous to go to parent/teacher conferences for me because my teachers always said the same thing "she's great, we love having her in class, straight A's...blah, blah, blah (yes, I am tooting my own horn!).....but she really does love to talk, doesn't she?!" Like mother, like daughter!
Happy Valentine's Day Alexa, you have filled my life with so much love!
3 years ago
our little southern belle! I hope she has that little accent forever, even when you move back to AZ. She is a talker and I love it! Hope you had a wonderful V-Day!!!
Isn't that one of the best parts about having kids...finding ourselves in them? The other part is labor, of course.
I am sooo glad that my little chatter box has such a cute little chatter box!!!! That little video of (well all the pictures) but especially the video of her reading books made me cry because she looks sooo much like my baby!!! Thanks for sharing and give those precious cheeks the biggest smooch ever from grama!!
She looks so comfortable chatting away! You will have your hands full at 13, but it will be lots of fun!
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