This was a very proud mommy moment for me! It was April 7th and we were getting ready to head to the park. I went into the bathroom and told Alexa to get her shoes. When I came out, she had put her shoes on all by herself....for the first time!!! Granted, yes...they are on the wrong feet...but she's only 17 months, give her some credit!! Anyways, I was so proud of her. She's growing up before my she's going to be driving a car!! :-)
Congrats! That is a great feature for kids. Of course then they move on to things like wanting to dress themselves (it takes SOOOOO long) and helping empty the dishwasher.
Congrats! That is a great feature for kids. Of course then they move on to things like wanting to dress themselves (it takes SOOOOO long) and helping empty the dishwasher.
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