Yep, that's right, we're expecting baby #2, there's definitely a bun in this oven... our little Pablo is due at the end of April 2009. I'm a little over 3 months right now and starting to get over the initial "morning" sickness...I think! The nausea has been pretty random this time around but I'm way more tired it seems. Maybe that's just because I have a toddler to take care of as well as being pregnant. We've decided to call the little peanut "Pablo" because ever since Kevin and I got together, he's teased me about having a son named Pablo or Jorge (pronounced hor-hay). But seeing as that will never happen...I consented to letting #2 have Pablo as a nickname in utero...although I'm sure if we actually have a boy this time, the nickname will continue once he's born or perhaps we'll just have to change the nickname to Pablita or something along those lines. But we will most definitely be finding out what this baby is and will keep everyone posted...look for further news on that in December!
3 years ago
Congrats! We are so excited for you guys to have baby #2! Please let me know if you need anything!
That's pretty cute way to announce!! You should have had Alexa hold up her arms like that at the airport - then this gram may have gotten it!!!1
CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you guys. yeah!
Pablo Mortenson...I think I like it. You have the Roundy seal of approval.
Yeay! Exciting news!! I'm so happy for you guys! 2 kids are fun times!
Congrats, guys! Maybe this will be the first of many Morty Mortensons! :)
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