...for the revealing of the gender of Mortenson Baby #2, aka Pablo!!! I had another monthly doctor's appointment this morning where all was well. The uterus is growing (thankfully because that means the baby is too, and unfortunately because that means so is my waistline!!), the heartbeat was perfect and everything looked great. AND we got to book the date of the 20 week ultrasound.....for DECEMBER 12TH at 9:30 AM!!!! Yay! For those of you who know me well enough (or even just a little bit), you know I am a planner! And I can't really start planning for this second baby until I KNOW what it is...sooooo I am just a teensy bit excited for Dec 12th, to say the least. This little peanut better cooperate or this mama won't know what to do!
3 years ago
I can't believe that you are almost half way done! How are you feeling? We will be excited to hear what you guys are having!
Yippee!!! That's the only good thing about the whole pregnancy in my opinion.
I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE PREGO!! Yah, congrats. Oh and I also thought you said peanut butter instead of peanut better. I was like "oooh that's a funny nick name - peanut butter"
aahhhh.....don't you just hate waiting ? though, dec 12th really isn't that far away ( well, you kinda have to think that way so you don't go insane ) can't wait to hear updates !
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