Only 100 more days (give or take a few) until our second bundle of joy arrives!! How excited I am to see the days move to 2-digit numbers instead of 3-digits!! Although I'm nervous at the thought of having two little ones to contend with, I'm excited to meet this little girl who keeps me up late at night with her tae kwon do moves, has made me feel nauseous, has made me gain weight, makes me extremely tired AND hungry all the time, makes me visit the ladies room WAY too much, etc!! :-) Here's to 100 days...let's hope these last 3+ months go as quickly as the first 6 have!!!
3 years ago
You will make it just fine! This time has gone by much faster than with Alexa! It is hard to believe that you will have 2 soon!
Good luck with the next 100 (minus a few) days! :)
Hey, do you know what hospital you're delivering at yet? I still haven't decided... I've had two at Baptist and one at Suburban... maybe we'll be in there together! =) jen
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