We had Payton's one month well-baby visit today and she weighed in at 10 lbs 6 oz (75th percentile) and 21 inches long (50th percentile). Her head circumference was also in the 75th percentile so she's growing well. I don't have any one month stats of Alexa's to compare her to as Alexa went from a 2 week check up to a 2 month checkup...but Alexa was always in the 100th percentile for weight so Payton isn't growing as quickly as her big sister. I had already guessed that as Payton likes to eat but she's content with a lot less than Alexa was at this age. But she's healthy and happy and we're so grateful to have her as part of our family.
3 years ago
Hope you guys are doing well and you're having a lot of fun this summer. Miss you guys!
Well, at least she's on the charts. Didn't Alexa have to go on a "diet" (water) when she was only a few months old?
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