Okay everyone...sorry for making a 180 degree turn right now...but my friend Amanda let me know that I can add a gadget on my blog that will prevent people from being able to right-click and take my pictures AND she also let me know that when you go private, you can only have 50 invited guests allowed to view your blog (and not to toot my own horn...but with all our family on both sides AND friends from all over the place, I think we'd be pretty darn close, if not over, that amount!!!). So I've added that gadget and VOILA! no picture stealing will take place! In light of that, we'll keep our blog open to viewers...for the time being anyways!
3 years ago
I'm not complaining (I hate having to go to private blogs instead of reading them in my GoogleReader) but I'm pretty sure it's 100 guests you can invite (at least that's how my private house blog is). Just FYI. But I like this way much better. :)
Hi Collette, I didn't know that you had a blog...so fun. Hey could you tell me how to add that gadget. I wouldn't mind knowing how to block that.
Your family is lovely - enjoyed purusing the site!!
Sorry to give you bad info. It was 50 when my photoblog was private. Maybe google changed it. Hope u don't think I'm an idiot! :)
hey how did you do it? I would love to "lock"my picts too!
So, how do you keep you pics from being stolen? I think I would like to do that.
Hi! I'm Kevin's cousin Amanda (Brown) Crandell. I was looking through family members blogs to see if I could find any more that I didn't know about. Anyway, I really liked what you said about the gadget thing to block pictures. Would you mind emailing me with how to do that? osmondfreak@cox.net When ever you have a chance, no rush. By the way...cute blog!
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