Monday, October 19, 2009


I sure hope the girls don't resent me in their teenage years for all the comparing I'm doing of them. Really, it's just in looks...they are both their own individual people, with their own individual personalities...they just look so much alike, and yet NOT alike at the same time. And when I put Payton in something that I so clearly remember Alexa wearing, it's all I can do to keep from immediately searching through the old pictures we have on the computer to find Alexa in the same thing. I really look forward to seeing how these beautiful girls of mine grow and change as the
years go by.


{Amanda G} said...

I can't believe this! It's almost identical! It will be interesting to see what your little boy will look like one day! You will have to put him in the same outfits, just for fun!

Christy said...

OMG, your girls look SO MUCH alike. double beauties, that's for sure !

Chaun said...

WOW! They do look a lot a like! Too cute!

Mandi and Jeff said...

They really do look very much alike! I wish Brae could have that hair.

p.s. the strawberry costume was a walmart special!