Our good friends, the Gardeas, are moving this weekend. :-( So we've been getting together as much as possible this week before we don't see them as often. They're only moving 2 hours away, but we're SURE going to miss them. When you find a good friend, that you get along with sooooo well, and then you have kids that are the same ages and get along also...well, it just bites when that good friend has to move. Anyways, we had a GREAT time at the splash park today with said good friends. I'm bummed that I didn't get any pictures of all the kids together though. Pictures or not, just know, Gardea Family, that we will miss you bunches and bunches and bunches!!
3 years ago
awww thanks collette! We miss you guys more than you know. That was a fun splash park day besides the fact that i forgot all my stuff. Oh well. Love the pics!!
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