Monday, February 25, 2008

A Close Call!!

Okay, I promise this will be the last post today! But I just really need to verbally express my thanks for Alexa being watched over and protected last night. In one corner of our dining room, we have her nebulizer (breathing treatment machine) plugged in all the time for whenever we give Alexa a breathing treatment. Well, this is also the same corner we put her highchair in and she thinks it's a fun place to play. We constantly watch her whenever she's in that corner and continually tell her not to touch the plug in. Usually she listens. Last night, however, I was trying to get dinner made and Kevin was upstairs Alexa was on her own in the living room playing. I saw her head to that corner and told her to be careful when all of a sudden I hear "bzzzzzzzzt" and the lights flash. I immediately drop the veggies I'm chopping and head to Alexa. She's standing in the corner but I can tell she'd pulled on the plug as it was bent towards her. I tried to straighten it out and it sparked at me and more lights flashed and then went out. Needless to say, I dropped the plug like it was a hot potato and grabbed Alexa to get her away from the danger.
I then called for Kevin and he came down to see what was going on. We tried all the breakers thinking the short in the plug had just flipped one of them - it was weird though, it only affected 1/2 of the plug ins in the living room, dining room and kitchen. We called maintenance (one reason to be thankful we're only renting!!!) and they said they were on their way. Kevin then tried the breakers again and this time there was another, even louder "bzzzzzzt" and lights flashing! It was pretty scary. The outlet where this happened was charred black by this point. I wish I had thought to take a picture before the electrician came....but you can at least see how the wall had charred a little bit as well.
Anyways, my point of the story is to count my very many blessings! When I think of what COULD have happened....I just can't even go there. Alexa was obviously protected and I am very grateful for that huge blessing! Lesson learned...we no longer keep the nebulizer plugged in all the time, we'll just plug it in when we need it and leave the protective cover on the rest of the time.


Kade and Emily said...

you are a blogging maniac today! I'm lucky to have anything interesting to post in a week. ;) That is nerve racking about the outlet. Ugh.
I'm jealous about the consignment finds. I got there too late and only found dress up clothes for Maryn. Oh, and your shoes look like mine do. Though you would have to throw in several pairs of socks into the mix to make it really look like my closet.

ollie said...

Oh my gosh! I'm glad all of you guys are okay! That's a really scary thing to go through.

I'm with you as well... I LOVE to rent when things go wrong.

Jami said...

That is nerve wracking. We've had a few close calls ourselves over these past few years and it makes me so grateful to know we've been protected! I'm so glad you are all okay. Especially Alexa; she's a cutie!

kelseyp said...

That is really scary!! Glad to hear that everyone is okay. Yikes!! Alexa is sure getting big! Looking less like a baby and more like a big girl. Darn cute!

Krista said...

How scary! I am always in awe of the protection we have had now with 3 kids. I'm glad that little cuttie is o.k.!

Connie said...

Hey Collette- I just found your blog. It is so cute. That is so scary about the outlet. Check us out at
TTYS Connie