At the beginning of February, my friend Camille called to tell me she'd just signed up for the Wilton Cake Decorating Class at Michael's and that it's 1/2 off the class tuition right now if I was interested. Well, I definitely was! The entire time I lived in Louisville, I wanted to take the cake classes but just didn't have the money or the time and whenever the tuition was 1/2 off like it was now, I was just having a baby or bad timing. Anyways, the class started 3 days after she called me so I jumped on the bandwagon and signed up for the class too. I'm soooooo glad I'm taking the class with a friend, it's way more fun. I mean, I'm enjoying learning all the new techniques and everything but it's always more fun with a friend, right?
So here's my cake from our 2nd class of the first course (and I had to give Camille a cameo too!!). Then we decorated cupcakes on our 3rd class.
And here's my final cake from our last class tonight. I just realized, however, that the reason my frosting was WAY too soft was because I was adding the water measurements in TBSP instead of tsp like it was supposed to be. Oh well...I'll pay more attention when I'm making the frosting next time!! And I can only get better, right???!!! Anyways, we're signed up for level 2 and I'm really looking forward to it. I don't think I'll be able to squeeze level 3, the final course, in though as I'm due to have this little bambino smack dab in the middle of the 4 week class. Oh well...maybe next year when tuition is 1/2 off again!!! :-)
Happy Cake Decorating!!!