Thursday, November 20, 2008

Birthday Girl, Part 1!

Happy Birthday to our sweet little Alexa! She turns 2 today! I can't even begin to express the joy and love she has brought into our family these past two years. I have been so emotional the past couple of days (I'm sure part of it is the pregnancy), but it really does amaze me what a miracle having a child is and I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday! We welcomed her into our lives on Monday, November 20, 2006 at 6:59 pm, after 12 1/2 hours of labor. She was so tiny and perfect and I was so glad to finally have her here.
These past two years have been so fun. We've had our difficult times, our sick times, our grumpy times, our crazy times...but we wouldn't trade any of it. We've grown so much and learned so much and our lives have become so much richer because of this precious little girl.
Last Sunday, we had a little birthday dinner for Alexa. It was a Spongebob Squarepants theme since that is her most favorite thing right now. I spent hours on a Spongebob cake for her and wondered "what was I thinking??" as my hand kept cramping up...but the look on her face when she saw it, and the fact that she had to show her friends the cake very first thing when they arrived, made it all worth it!!
After Alexa's nap on Sunday, she enjoyed some pre-festivity cuddle time with her daddy while I got the birthday preparations ready. I'm so grateful for the wonderful father that Kevin is and for how much he adores his little girl. I know that they will have a special relationship forever!
And here are some pictures from the festivities. Alexa's favorite people were in attendance..."the guys" (aka Olan & Quincy Carter), "Nay-Nay" (aka Nathan Ice) and "Kar-kar" (aka Karter Graves), along with various parents of said kids! We enjoyed homemade pizza and snacks in Bikini Bottom style. (For those of you who are wondering what "Bikini Bottom" is, that's where Spongebob lives!!).
Alexa then had fun opening her presents, or rather, all the kids had fun opening the presents! Alexa didn't seem to mind though and was so excited for the wonderful things she received. Thank you everyone, you all spoiled her rotten!!
Our place isn't that big, but the kids had fun chasing balloons around and running up and down the hallway. We really had a great time celebrating Alexa's big day! Thank you to everyone for sharing in her special day!
We'll be having a little family dinner tonight and will post more pictures then! Happy Birthday Baby Girl, we love you so much!!


Heather said...

Happy Birthday Alexa! Wow that cake is awesome - great job!

Christy said...

Happy Birthday Alexa ! Awesome job on the cake.

Unknown said...

Wow, 2 already?! I LOVE the spongebob cake, I'm very impressed...was it ALL with a star tip? I did a HUGE mickey mouse face that way once and yes, your hand does cramp up, it's a labor of love though right? It cracks me up that she likes spongebob so much.