Monday, June 30, 2008

A Family Picnic...and Day of Fun!

Kevin has this week off of school so we are making the most of family time together. Today, we ventured south of the city to Bernheim Forest. It really is so beautiful here in Kentucky...we love all the lush greenery! We decided to have a picnic lunch and had picked out a very nice spot by a pond when all of a sudden the geese we had walked by earlier were almost upon us. Apparently our PB&J's smelled really good!! So we quickly gathered everything up before the Canadian Honkers could steal our lunch and moved to a less picturesque spot where we hoped the geese wouldn't follow. Thankfully, we were able to finish our lunch in peace and then walked around the park enjoying all the scenery.
We even popped into the Visitor's Center and Alexa enjoyed playing with the stuffed animals!
After the Visitor's Center, we drove up to a place called Canopy Tree Overlook. It was so pretty and this long bridge took us to 75 feet above the ground. It was crazy because the wind was blowing the trees but it made it look like the bridge was moving...not a fun feeling!
Alexa LOVED running up and down the long walkway though and would make this funny little noise that I can only explain as sounding like a little puppy! Enjoy the was near the end of our outing and so she wasn't nearly as excited as the first time she ran up it.
Our sweet little girl...she loves being outside and had so much fun exploring and seeing all the different things!
Here's some of the beautiful scenery we enjoyed. We had a great day!


{Amanda G} said...

so much fun! It looks really pretty there! I am glad that you get some time with Kevin! That's always a special treat!

bbcurfew said...

Wow, that looks really cool! I'm glad you guys are enjoying your time together.

Anonymous said...

You have a really cute blog. I am one of Kevin's cousins and I found this blog on the Curtis Flats blog. Your Daughter is really cute. It is fun seeing your family. If you want to check out my blog I am at

jenny said...

ok, here is an assignment for you. I would like a copy of that darlin black and white picture of Alexa by the lake and I am going to blow it up for my new family wall and i want a copy of Alexa bending over right at the beginning of your blog - I want to paint that one!!! See you next month!!! Sooo excited!!!