Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kentucky State Fair

We went to the Kentucky State Fair today but, unfortunately, didn't take many pictures. We spent the majority of our time looking at the animals as we knew Alexa would really enjoy that this year. However, our main reason for going to the Fair this year was to get the DEEP-FRIED SNICKERS!!! I know, I may be skeptical of a deep-fried candy bar...we were too the first year we lived here. But then we thought, well why not at least give it a try??? And lo and behold...OH is to die for. It really is amazing. We should have taken a picture of it, and of one of us enjoying it!! We'll remember that for next year. Anyways, if you have the opportunity to try one, we definitely recommend's a week's worth of calories in one shot, but hey, it only happens once a year!!! :-)
This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none and this little piggy cried...weeeeeeee, weeeeee all the way home!