Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!

I have had THE most wonderful day!! Turning 30 has never been so fun! Okay, so I've never turned 30 before but if I were to do it again, I couldn't imagine a more perfect day, despite the incessant rain! It started out with my fabulous friend Waveney taking me out for brunch. After some tasty stuffed french toast at IHOP, we came back to my place and my friends, Rachael and Erin, showed up with some birthday treats/surprises. We had a fun visit while the kiddos played and then my friend Amanda came over in the afternoon. She bought me a super cute skirt that I can't wait to wear! Anyways, all day long, I had phone call after phone call from family and friends, not to mention emails and cards. Thank you to everyone near and far who shared in my big day! You all are wonderful!
My most favorite part of the day was spending time with my two most favorite people in the whole wide world! Kevin and Alexa had scoped out a fun little Greek restaurant on Frankfort Avenue last week and so Kevin took us there for dinner. He said Alexa picked it out especially for Mommy's birthday! Kevin also surprised me with the beautiful tulips you see below and two very funny cards, one from him and one from my sweet baby girl! We enjoyed a yummy dinner and then came home for some family bonding time before Alexa went to bed. I am truly blessed to have them in my life. And to top it all off, Kevin made me a cheesecake (my fave) which we enjoyed a nice slice of this evening. Mmmmmmmm, I'll probably dream about it tonight!
Alexa was very excited for her Mommy!
Enjoying some family bonding!
Thank you again to my handsome husband, my darling baby girl, and my wonderful friends and family. You all have brightened my day and made this a very Happy Birthday to me! Go Thirty!!


Jessie said...

Happy Birthday!! I completely agree on the turning 30 thing. It seems like it only gets better the older you get! Sounds like you had an awesome day and night!!

Cagney and Laci said...

Happy Birthday!~

Kade and Emily said...

Happy Birthday, Collette! I'm glad to hear that somebody enjoys birthdays. You are a special person (not special in a "special" sort of way, but in the for reals way) and you deserve all that fun!

Krista said...

I'm Super glad that you had a good experience turning 30. Mine was not so nice. I have heard that when you turn 30, your body starts to fall apart. Oh how true!
Enjoy Your happy day! Miss ya.( my blog is....naifamily.blogspot.com)

Dickson Family said...

wow you were super spoiled!! i haven't seen you in a while, i am glad to hear that everything is going well. we should hook up soon you old lady you!! :)

ollie said...

Happy Happy birthday! I hope I look as good as you at 30!!!! I still think it's crazy that I thought you were 23! Who knew????