Monday, March 17, 2008

Pre-Birthday Celebrations!!

As many of you know, I am hitting a pretty big milestone tomorrow....yeppers, the BIG 3-0!! Now, I have absolutely NO problem turning 30 as it means I get another birthday and I LOVE birthdays! AND... my life is sooooo much better at 30 than it was at 20!!! Anyways, my girl Nancy from Calgary came to visit me (she leaves tomorrow morning) and we have been having a grand time. Her birthday was March 6th and so we celebrated for her and then she's been spoiling me for mine. It's been fabulous. Nancy....a quick shout out to you...THANK YOU so much! It's been so fun having you here. We're all going to miss you! On Friday night, we went to the Michael Bublé concert. This is us being...well..."us" right before we left for the concert. Nancy is friends with the guys in Naturally 7 who was opening up for Michael Bublé and so we were able to get tickets on the floor, row 14!! It was awesome. Thank you to Rod for that!! Anyways, if you don't know who either Michael Bublé or Naturally 7 are, you NEED to check them both out. It was an AMAZING concert!! We had so much fun. Naturally 7 on Youtube: Here are a few pics of our evening:

The boys of Naturally 7!!

Us enjoying Naturally 7! Yes, Nance blinked but doesn't her eye makeup look amazing???!!! :-)

Ahhhh....Michael Bublé, he's definitely one of my new faves!

And us again, this time enjoying Michael Bublé!
And here we are with the group. They all signed my CD and then they even sang Happy Birthday to me! It was so fun. I'm kicking myself that I didn't record it on my camera but oh well! Thanks to Hops for getting the other guys to do it! Nancy is super jealous since she's the one that's friends with them and they didn't sing her Happy Birthday even though her birthday was just a couple weeks ago!! Tee hee hee! Anyways, it was such a fun night and a great way to kick off the birthday week celebrations!


Unknown said...

Friday night was sooooooo fun! And they did sing Happy Birthday to Coco, and they didn't totally leave me out, Rod and Hops remembered about me as I stared them down as they were singing and said my name quickly, so as not to be in the doghouse! We had so much fun though for real. And really for all of you who don't know who Naturally 7 is, they are sooooooo good. Take a look at the youtube postings that I added to the blog for Collette. They are amazingly talented and are just beginning to make a name for themselves here in North America. They're website is
Me misses you already Coco and I haven't even left yet.
Love you guys. Kiss Alexa for me every day!

Connie said...

I am so jealous. Michael Buble is one of my absolute favorites. I'm so glad yo got to have fun for your pre birthday.

ollie said...

saWEET connections!!!!! I need a friend from calgary! So you're from Canada??? I have a super funny story about me and Canadian geography. A must tell next time I see you!

{Amanda G} said...

I am so glad that Nancy got to come and you all had such a good time. I wish I could have met her. I hope you enjoyed your birthday! Love ya tons!

Krista said...

Wow, I have not seen Nancy in years. You guys look great. I am so glad you had fun!