Saturday, May 8, 2010

~~Graduation Day~~

The Graduate!
His #1 Fan!!

Our biggest supporters!!!
Marial and I waiting for the ceremony to start.
I know these pictures are blurry...not sure what happened with my camera...but I had to include them anyways. It's not every day that you walk across the stage to graduate from dental school AND have two of your brothers hood you. So, I apologize for the horrible pictures but they're meant for my own journal-keeping purposes!
Introducing....Dr. Kevin Mortenson!!!
ULSD Graduating Class of 2010
I didn't realize until after taking the above picture that Kevin was hiding behind the class banner! :-) And Alexa was so excited for her daddy...she didn't want to be away from him a second longer!
Kevin and Alexa with our friends, Ron & Julie Lee. They've been wonderful friends and a great support to us while here in Louisville. We're really going to miss them!
Dr. Mortenson with his biggest fans!
We're so proud of's been a LONG four years but you did it and we're looking forward to what the next chapter brings!
Drs. David, Kevin and Darron Mortenson
It's kinda cool that they're brothers! :-)
The Mortenson boys...we just need Duane to complete the picture!
What an exciting day for Dale & see all their kids finally done with school, well almost anyways (David still has a couple months left of his Endodontic Residency).
A HUGE shout out and thank you to Kevin's parents! They have been an amazing support to us throughout Kevin's many, many ways! We could not have done it without them! Thank you, thank you, thank you! We love and appreciate all you have done for us!
Another family shot...I just can't even get over that we're finally done! Yay!!!
And here's the man who started it all, Uncle Wayne. Who's to say if Kevin or his brothers, or any of their cousins would have gone to dental school if Wayne hadn't...but he started a legacy nonetheless! Thanks Uncle Wayne!
And here is one of my biggest supports throughout dental school, my lovely friend Brinn. Her husband Michael graduated today too. We moved into the Louisville 1st Ward on the same day and have been friends ever since. She has been an amazing friend and I am truly grateful that dental school brought us together. She's the kind of friend that you know you will always be friends with. Good luck to you Brinn and Michael in your new adventures in New Mexico...we're just RIGHT next door in Arizona so we hope to see you again soon!!
Unfortunately, we didn't get more pictures with friends or classmates. It was a cold, windy day AND practically bedtime for our girls, so they had HAD it and we had to leave early on into the picture-taking and celebrating. But we'll hold our memories dear!


Anonymous said...

[url= ]Жировые отложения производят собственные гормоны [/url]
С мужем в живем полтора года. Срок не очень большой, но все таки.... Иногда напрягает просьба мужа не волнуеться, в случае в случае если он не подходит к телефону. Типа, прячется от шефа, который в последствии трех смен может его привлечь еще куда-то. Вот и сегодня, говорит - "поеду на дачу, привезу дрова, пока машина есть. Телефон брать не буду, от шефа шифруюсь... Возьму только часов в 8 вечера.....". За весь период это было раза два-три... Но все таки.
Напрягает меня, что я не до конца верю в эти шифрования. Хотя мой благоверный ни в чем пока пойман не был (тьфу-тьфу), помимо мелких придумок в начале нашшего знакомства, когда он отмазался, типа "долго было объяснять, а ты - далеко".
Я - благоблагоосмысленная девушка. Но порой пробивает, как же жить, в случае в случае если не верить и прислушиваться к любому шороху? Должен же быть кредит доверия мужу? Противно естесственно, эти придумки именно в мелочах... Но вроде с начала знакомства этого более не повторялось....
Как не накрутить себя? Буду признательна любым советам.