Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easters 2010

Our Easter festivities started on Friday with an Easter Egg Hunt at Joe Creason Park. The kids had a blast! Alexa loved it last year but was REALLY into it this year!
And it was such a nice afternoon for me since I left Payton home napping with Kevin...what a difference only 1 child makes!! I sure love my girl! I love both of them but it's nice to have one-on-one time every now and then!
Then the Easter Bunny visited our house this morning (even though he almost forgot!!!). Here's Alexa checkin' out her loot. She absolutely loves her new slippers!
Payton's 1st Easter.
I'm ashamed to admit that the Easter Bunny wasn't very good to her this year!! I'm sure he'll redeem himself next year!! :-) She loved it easy to please!
Hahaha...and I had to add this picture because it makes me laugh! This is what we get when we try to take a good picture of the girls on Easter Morning before breakfast!!
The rest of our Easter weekend was spent watching the General Broadcast for our Church. It was a fabulous weekend spending time with our little family, listening to our beloved Prophet and other leaders of our church, and focusing on the Resurrection of our Savior. I'm so grateful for Him and the sacrifice he made for all of us.